Young Adults | Pop Up Retreat

March 8 - 9

Fri, Mar 8 – Sat, Mar 9 | Pismo Beach

Young Adults, take a break from the busyness and listen for God’s voice at our first ever pop-up retreat in Pismo! This one-night retreat is designed to help you take a quick ‘pause’ from the day-to-day grind & re-orient you toward Christ. As we “Sabbath” together, we’ll unpack how Jesus calls us to find His rest in the midst of our chaotic world. We’ve got a block of hotel rooms booked at The Inn at The Pier in Pismo Beach. We’ll share meals, worship together, enjoy some rest on this beautiful property, connect in community, and pursue Jesus right in the heart of Pismo Beach. This is a time of rest & renewal that we pray blesses you. Invite a friend and register online today! Spots are limited. Register below.