January 11, 2021 12:00 AM
- 12:00 AM
Starts Back Jan. 11 | 5:30-7:00PM |Every Monday
FCC Kids is starting IN-PERSON Awana! We will be meeting every week beginning in January with limited groups spaced around campus. Leaders are required to wear face masks/shields and health screenings will be performed before kids can enter. All kids will be placed in “pods” for the duration of year, and groups will be limited to reduce exposure. The cost for the program is $15 (for the second half of the year) plus student plus supplies. Space is limited, so register today! Children of volunteers have priority. Sorry, no childcare for those younger than 3.5!
Starts Back Jan. 11 | 5:30-7:00PM |Every Monday
FCC Kids is starting IN-PERSON Awana! We will be meeting every week beginning in January with limited groups spaced around campus. Leaders are required to wear face masks/shields and health screenings will be performed before kids can enter. All kids will be placed in “pods” for the duration of year, and groups will be limited to reduce exposure. The cost for the program is $15 (for the second half of the year) plus student plus supplies. Space is limited, so register today! Children of volunteers have priority. Sorry, no childcare for those younger than 3.5!