Connections Between Passover And Easter
April 3, 2022 12:00 AM
Sunday, April 3 | 10:15a | Rm B206
What is the background of Palm Sunday? What is the difference between Passover & Easter? Come join us as we dig a little deeper into the mystery of the resurrection! Join us for a one-hour class to review the meaning of Palm Sunday and the connections between The Jewish Passover and Christian Easter celebrations. For anyone who wants to know more about the most important event on the Christian calendar.
What is the background of Palm Sunday? What is the difference between Passover & Easter? Come join us as we dig a little deeper into the mystery of the resurrection! Join us for a one-hour class to review the meaning of Palm Sunday and the connections between The Jewish Passover and Christian Easter celebrations. For anyone who wants to know more about the most important event on the Christian calendar.