Newlove Christian Church

Santa Maria, CA


The Newlove ministry started as an outreach of First Christian Church in 1996 and in 2001, formally became the the Newlove Christian Church, a Non-Denominational church that ministers to the migrant and Hispanic community of Santa Maria. They work together with other local churches to further the kingdom of God in our community and world. They seek to show God’s love in practical ways by providing programs to serve and strengthen the family and community.

Leadership at Newlove

Pastor David Jimenez, his wife Leanne, and their children.

Newlove Mission

The Newlove Christian Church exists for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a strong and healthy Hispanic church where everybody can worship the Lord, to provide for Christian fellowship, where God the Father, Jesus the Son and Holy Spirit are honored with our personal testimony; to share and assume the responsibility and the privilege of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ by all available means, both at home and elsewhere.

Ways to Get Engaged

Spanish speaking worship service is at 10am every Sunday at 215 W. Newlove, Santa Maria, CA

3:30pm - 5pm Tuesday and Wednesday.

A time for children ages 6-12 to get help with their homework, reading practice and math problems. Please contact Lisa Smith at for more infromation.

4pm - 5:30pm Monday.

A weekly club where children learn about God and how to follow him, through a series of lessons, games, crafts and friendship. Please contact Lisa Smith at for more information.
