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Navigating the waters of raising teenagers is a joy and challenge, all at the same time! Parents, we see you and would love the privilege of being part of your village as you parent your teen. Here are some ways to start getting connected to the village that’s here for you at FCC’s Student Ministry.
Everyday ideas for eternal impact! These books have been carefully selected by our Student Ministry team, and we believe that they will benefit you as you parent!
Parenting teens can be tough, and can be especially tough when it comes to faith. Many parents find that dinner table devotionals that used to bring the family together in Jesus are now met with awkward silence from their teenager. Parent, you’re not alone! Nationally, 1 in 2 students walk away from their faith after graduating high school. Parents and churches alike want to know…How can i help my student own their faith for life?
Fuller Youth Institute launched a study that sought to answer that very question, and found encouraging results…there ARE things that parents can do to help their teenagers choose Jesus for life! Here are the “big four”: