Don't do life alone

We know how important finding real community is, yet how difficult it can be. Our new Young Marrieds/Young Families connect is a place where this big church can feel a bit smaller and help you connect with people who are in a similar season of life as you.

Ways To Connect

Young Marrieds // Young Families // Single Parents

Build your Community

Life was meant to be experienced in community. Young Families is a place for young married couples, married couples with younger kids, and single parents to meet people in a similar season of life & build your village. 1st Sundays at 10:15am. Tap the button below for more information!

Invest in your Family

Whether or not you have kids, we believe that God designed family purposefully. FCC cares about God's design for family and wants to be alongside you as you seek to live into this design. Whether it's marriage ministry, Biblical counseling, or classes on building a firm foundation for your family, FCC has resources to help you invest in your family's journey. Tap the button below to email us & get pointed in the right direction!

“I can’t think of a better reason to get married and have children than to understand more deeply how God loves us like a parent or how Christ loves us like a spouse.”

- Jeremy Pryor
